So amazing! Red plate can cause weight loss - Healthy Journal

Sunday, May 7, 2017

So amazing! Red plate can cause weight loss

Many people have trouble losing weight, they always try to overcome this problem through exercise and reduce Eat. But eating less may be a simple way just by changing the color of your plate. Red plate presents a danger signal, which reduces the amount of food we eat. While white plates make food taste sweet.

Dr. Charles Spence, a professor of experimental psychology at the University of Oxford, said: snack food is bad for your health, but when you Put it on a red plate, you'll eat less because of the red plate seemed to signal or avoid a hazard.

«This is not the first time that we have been discussing the effects of color on our eating plates.

In 2011, researchers at the University of Valencia, 51 participants ate a RAM strokes Albert on a white plate and one on a black plate.

The results showed that those who drank the RAM on a white plate with sweet than the RAM on a black plate seven per cent and the flavor more than 13% and make them enjoy black plate more than nine per cent.

It's probably because of a white background, making our food, we see more clearly than or cause our memories Regarding sweets.

Dr. Spence, author of a new scientific Gastrophysics of eating past hopes the findings will encourage food manufacturers to add less sugar into their products, while the taste is still the same taste by the color of their packaging.

By serving food on a white background and a reducing sugar, it will make customers think they eat the same as before. It will be able to help people in getting sweeter but without the extra calories.

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