Living With Tigers: Family Share Home With Pet Tigers - Healthy Journal

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Living With Tigers: Family Share Home With Pet Tigers

COMM: They're one of the most dangerous animals in the world, yet one family show no fear when it comes to their pet tigers. COMM: They play and swim with them, and even allow their children to ride on their backs. COMM: But not everyone is happy, and there are fears something will go wrong sooner or later. COMM: Here in Maringa, Brazil Ary Borges and his family have not one, but seven tigers.

 COMM: Together with his three daughters Deusanira, Uyara and Nayara, Ary and the family, eat, live and even swim with the giant cats. COMM: Despite having no experience with tigers Ary rescued two of the big cats from a circus years ago. After he found them living in bad conditions.

COMM: He decided to build an enclosure and welcome them into the family. COMM: And it wasn't long before Ary's daughter Yara, began feeding, petting and walking the tigers on leads. 01:38: COMM: Twenty-year-old Nayara has formed a special bond with one of the tigers, Tom. and regularly swims with him.

COMM: But not all members of the family are so happy about having tigers around. Yara's husband Rafael is terrified of big cats. COMM: And Yara's decision to allow her young daughter to interact with the tigers, is not going down well. COMM: Now Ary has plans to open a 40-acre eco-park in Maringa, where his beloved animals can roam free.

COMM: But until that time Ary and his family will continue their intimate but controversial relationship with their feline pets.

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