Seven types of food can help get rid of acne and smooth skin - Healthy Journal

Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Seven types of food can help get rid of acne and smooth skin

To cure premature facial hair, only some diets do not cause premature aging and skin care. After all, some of the foods that you eat can affect the outside. But fasting is not enough to get rid of bruising by the sun unless you try it. Use 7 foods that will help keep your skin fresh and glossy.

1. Fish oil, Salmon, or Tuna

Eating fish helps the body absorb vitamin H, which has the function of producing fatty acids and amino acids. Meta-poles (bonds of proteins). Vitamin H deficiency can cause blemishes on the face without knowing it.

2. Nuts

There are fatty acids that help maintain cell membranes that can protect the skin and provide moisture to the skin. Using Fungal Seeds is the best choice for healing the same wound as wild cats and fish oils are the best food if If you eat this meat.

3. Sweet potatoes

Eating plenty of high-quality woody tubers gives your body a lot of water to help keep the skin and make the skin Humidity. Fresh fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin A, such as sweet potatoes, carrots, carrots, can enhance skin and body color. Yellow and Red.

4. Almonds fruit

Almonds are full of Vitamin E, which helps keep your skin clean. But vitamin E in almonds does not protect your skin from the sun.

5. Sunflower seeds

These small sunflower seeds are full of vitamin E and help protect your skin from radiation and protection. Also, physical activity (radiation can affect the cells of the body, including the skin cells).

6. Highly flavored foods

Recycling and powdered foods can make us hot in the air that causes acne. Replace with instant noodles and rice mixed with sugar-sweetened foods such as wheat, kernel, beans and rice.

7. Orange

Oranges help maintain hydration and provide anti-oxidant C vitamins to protect the skin and other cells. From the radioactive elements in the environment will be in the body. Also, vitamin C can help to build protein fibers (skeletal skins), which increases the protein intake of the body.

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